LOOK.BOOK.LOVE (Vol.1)…Chapter…

So, check it.  I’m all about giving props where props are due.  I think I’ve even used that line in a previous post…maybe a few different posts…and I’ll keep saying it. #IDGAF.  It feels good to give dabs because I know what it’s like to pour your heart and soul into something until you’re lying there bleeding all over the floor.  I know.  It’s a little dramatic, but creatives can attest.  Seriously, that’s how it feels.  It’s funny, we all say we do it for the love or for the art, but come on.  Sometimes it’s nice to be recognized for a job well done.

It’s undeniable that lately our family of clients have been stepping it up artistically for what we used to dismiss as “unusable images.”  Now, a look book is an inspired, editorial take on line sheets, a creative outlet for many brands who are looking to make their distinctive stamp known and not forgotten.  So, I’ve decided to add a section to our blog to showcase the best of the best.

Welcome to LOOK.BOOK.LOVE (Vol. 1)

First up:  a new men’s brand called Chapter headed by our buddy and creative director, Devin Carlson.  It’s actually been out for a while, but it’s the one that inspired me to do these posts in the first place. So here it is.  Look on, and get lost…

Photography by Jimmy Fontaine, Model: Clinton

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Don’t forget to follow them on instagram for more daily imagery @joinchapter 

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