Nestled in Denmark’s countryside Sophie grew up in a family of five. From early childhood, a creative spark ignited and a love for sewing came to life which later evolved into a teenage exploration of identity through creating and crafting unique looks. At the age of 16, she was scouted and embarked on a whirlwind journey, living out of a suitcase she was working around Europe and New York.


Five years ago, Sophie met her partner in crime (and now husband) marking the beginning of a dynamic partnership. Together, they embarked on diverse projects, including co-creating an athleisure line and opening up a specialty coffee shop during the pandemic. Currently based in Germany for her husband’s career, Sophie has reignited her creative flame, by adding “tattoo artist in training” to her resume. Beyond the projects and the nomadic lifestyle, health and fitness have become cornerstones of Sophie’s life. A lifelong interest in cooking has blossomed into a passion for experimenting with foods to enhance overall well-being.
