The best part of our job, hands down, is getting to know our girls and guys not just by their hip measurements or the fact that they can walk a runway without face-planting in front of merciless FW front row assholes. No offense, fashion people. I love you! They’re people too with interests and hobbies and talents, OH MY! Seriously, we have some of the raddest kids on our roster. In fact, we actually kick it with a lot of them outside of work, which says a lot after a brutal week of castings and fittings, and it’s about time they get some credit for something other than looking pretty.

meet STEVE LEE : model by day…
DJ and Professional Law and Order Viewer by night.
PG: Sup Steve! Feels super weird talking to you like this because we’re homies, but can you tell everyone a little about what you do outside of modeling?
STEVE: Totally awkward. Other than being a model I primarily daydream about cheeseburgers. Heard it’s pretty normal for someone having a quarter life crisis. When I’m not doing that I’ve been occupying my time shooting photos, photo assisting, producing art projects, etc.. Definitely haven’t been utilizing my economics degree. I’ve been really fortunate to be surrounded by super creative and talented friends that have allowed me to learn and work with them. Skipping a few steps for sure.
PG: So many cool, uber talented people randomly fall into modeling on a quest for other things. How did you fall into it?
STEVE: This kind of goes back to being surrounded by friends doing cool shit. A friend had a line based out of LA and I was asked to model for the lookbook. That friend had been a model prior to being a designer and said he could probably hook me up with one of his past agencies if I was down. One thing led to the next and all of a sudden I was doing jobs for Urban Outfitters, Levi’s, etc.. Pretty random and rad.
PG: Where would one find you on a Thursday night in La La Land?
STEVE: Recently I’ve been totally mellow on going out. I’ve been super psyched on waking up early and having a full productive day. If I am out I’d probably be at the Darkroom [on Melrose]. Definitely helps that it’s two blocks away from the crib, and friends work there. It’s my equivalent to Cheers. But tonight, I’m DJing a Nike party downtown and Killer Mike is performing!!!! Dude rips. Once again, definitely not using my degree in economics..
Catch up with Steve at Party. via stevelee

meet CHLOE NORGAARD : model by day…
DJ and Rainbow Child by night.
PG: Hey, girly! Same thing: can you tell us a little about who Chloe is outside of modeling?
CHLOE: I like long walks on the beach… (naked) with either a virgin margarita or an iced tea from a deli on long island, picking up sea glass, and I LOVE festivals and anything creative. I really want to see Marilyn Manson in concert and I’d love to hang out with John Malkovich. I’d pack them both in my suitcase on my travels.
PG: Missed you last time you were in town. What’s up with your latest adventures?
CHLOE: Since I last saw you I went to London to walk in a show for men’s fashion week (Asger Juel Larsen) and visited my boyfriend in Copenhagen. Then after gallavanting between NY and LA, I came back to Copenhagen for Roskilde Festival, got to DJ which was rad and ran around in my Pikachu outfit and goth boot creepers most of the weekend. Back to NY tomorrow.
PG: So, you recently got placed at ONE in NY! We’re so proudof you! What was their reaction to your crazy rainbow hair?
CHLOE: Yes!! Stoked!! I love the peeps over at ONE. They’re dope. They loved my hair which is super awesome. Very exciting. <3 Next level.
Follow Chloe’s unicorn adventures @Madamechloen + Art of Translation