Born in Atlanta Georgia, 23 years old, recently graduated with my MBA, currently lives near NYC. I was a baseball pitcher in college, but I love to play any sport with a ball and am passionate about hiking and yoga. Anything involving the outdoors brings me peace and clarity.


I love to travel and do so often. I had the pleasure (and great fortune) of sitting next to Photogenic’s CEO Nicole Bordeaux on my plane ride back from Costa Rica. My tan must have been doing me right because she explained who she was and gave me her contact information. Shortly after I got back home I signed my first modeling contract! I’ve never had any social media, so being in front of a camera is new to me but I catch on quick. I recently took a trip to France where I had my first modeling experience and I had the time of my life! I loved working with the photographer, Anna, and learned so much from her. I pride myself on being genuine, enthusiastic, and easy to work with. Hopefully there are more amazing experiences to come!

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